23 Feb

Close your eyes and try to feel what it is, that takes me away from what is most important to me, what makes me happier, healthier, what makes those I love the happiest. What separates me from the most important thing in my life? Is that really that important?! Are these things really that irresistible? 

Or, I have a feeling, as soon as I calm down a little, that my heart is becoming full with some irresistible strength, that it is really enough just to surrender to it. Everything is already there, in me, everything I need and everything I want to share with others. 

All I have to do is calm down, just stop looking around a little bit, stop listening to all those seductive voices, stop spinning all those thoughts in my head - and such a wonderful force appears in my chest, such a feeling of fulfillment...

Peace in itself.
Happiness in itself.
The fullness of life.
The certainty that all is well, that all will be well. 

How much fullness in my chest, only when I stop, only when, at least for a moment, I stop scurrying around or surfing the internet. I just pause for a moment and my heart fills. And all is well. I feel so protected, in the arms of the Great Life. 

It is so good to stop for a moment and inhale the air with full lungs. Just like that, without intent, just inhale, like a cigarette smoker. To breathe life and like a smoker to taste that breath I inhaled, to hold it in my lungs, like the old Indians when he smokes a pipe of peace.

 It is so good to feel that fullness in the heart. Like embracing lovers, you feel as if the whole universe has opened up to you through your own chest. Only if for a moment you completely forget, with all your depth, all those matrices and moms and dads and cell phones and TVs and simply enjoy that breathed Breath of Life. And your chest is blooming like those of the craziest lovers. You feel like you’re hugging the whole universe and the universe is hugging you. Kevala kumbhaka

Just stop for a moment and breathe the breath of Life! 

Because if you forget, driven by all your desires and instincts, to celebrate and preserve life, very quickly nothing more will be needed: namely, you will not be, or you will be sick or without human warmth, love, you will be some organic machine running for money, you will miss the beauty, the sweetness. 

Just stop for a moment and you already feel a new life in your chest, untainted by your matrices and the matrices of your ancestors, untainted by the illusions of your surroundings. 

New life, innocent life, through your chest.

 And so you just enjoy the breath, but your chest is being healed. Sat Chit Ananda 


Meditacija – Zastani na tren i udahni Dah Života 

Zatvoriti oči i pokušaj osjetiti što je to, što je to što me odvodi od onoga što mi je najbitnije, što me najvise čini sretnijim, zdravijim, što najvise čini sretnijim one koje volim. Što me odvaja od najbitnijeg za moj život? Dali je to doista tako bitno?! Dali su te stvari doista tako neodoljive?

 Ili, pak, imam osječaj, ćim se ovako malo umirim, da mi srce buja od neke neodoljive snage, da je zapravo dovoljno samo da se predam tome. Sve je već tu, u meni, sve što mi treba i sa tolikom silinom želi van, želi biti podeljeno sa drugima. 

Dovoljno je samo da se umirim, da samo malo prestanem gledati naokolo, prestanem slušati sve te zavodljive glasove, prestanem vrtjeti sve te misli po glavi – i takva neka prekrasna sila se javlja u grudima, takav osječaj ispunjenja...

Mir po sebi.
Sreća po sebi.
Punina života.
Izvjesnost da sve je dobro, da će sve biti dobro. 

Kolika punina u grudima, samo kad zastanem, samo kad, makar za tren, prestanem srljati okolu ili surfati po internetu. Samo na tren zastanem i srce se puni. I sve je dobro. Osjećam se tako zastićen/a, tako u naručju Velikog Života. 

Tako je dobro zastati na tren i udahnuti zrak punim plućima. Tek tako, bez namjere, jednostavno udahnuti, kao pušač cigaretu. Udahnuti život i poput pušača guštati taj dah koji sam udahnuo, držati ga u plućima, poput starih indijanaca kada puše lulu mira.Guštati taj dah života u plućima. 

Tako je dobro osječati tu puninu u srcu. Poput zagrljenih ljubavnika, imaš osječaj kao da ti se otvorio cijeli svemir kroz vlastite grudi. Samo ako na tren potpuno zaboraviš, cijelom svojom dubinom, sve te matrice i mame i tate i mobitela i televizora i jednostavno guštaš taj udahnuti Dah Života. I grudi ti se nadimaju kao u najluđih ljubavnika. Imas osječaj kao da grliš cijeli svemir i svemir grli tebe. Kevala kumbhaka

Samo zastani na tren i udahni dah Života! 

Jer ako zaboraviš, gonjen svim svojim željama i nagonima, slaviti i čuvati život, vrlo brzo i ništa više neće biti potrebno: naime, neće te biti, ili češ biti bolestan ili bez ljudske topline, ljubavi, biti češ neka organska mašina koja trči za novcem, koja promašuje lijepotu, promašuje slatkoću. 

Samo zastani na tren i već osjecas novi život u grudima, neukaljan tvojim matricama i matricama tvojih predaka, neukaljan iluzijama tvoje okoline. 

Novi život, nevin život, kroz tvoje grudi. 

A tako samo guštaš, no grudi ozdravljuju. 

Sat Chit Ananda

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