29 Nov

  *  Makaja: Leonardo da Vinci said that the lingam is the only organ which if you want that he is coming, he is falling down and if you want that he is coming down, he is going up! Like a crazy organ, always doing the wrong thing!
Orion: Yes! And in the wrong time! 

*  Makaja: Sex is perfectly made. God wanted to teach people love through sex. People are running for satisfaction and they are never completely satisfied, because they are egoists. They can get full satisfaction only through sex with love. God is beautiful, I love him. Such good pedagogist. 

*  What kind of tantra is this, if you are full of elation only when you will be with somebody whom you like very much? Is that Tantra? No. That is “kaka”. Tantra is in the heart and in the head – you see the Divine in everybody. That is Tantra. 

*  It is not about lingam in erection! Every dog and horse can do it! Important is the sweetness of the man, that is special and very rear in the world. Because the men are always carrying something in front of them, so much attention on the lingam! So they can not perceive who is near me? All the time they are holding and carrying the thing. They are the carryers, not the lovers! 


*  Der Tantriker soll ein braver Schweizer sein. Nicht ein Held, denn der Held ist in einem Augenblick ein Held und sonst ist er ein Schwein. Und die Kundalini-Arbeit ist eine Tüpflischeisser-Arbeit vom Morgen bis zum Abend. Du musst ständig deinen Garten putzen, von jedem kleinsten Staubkorn. 

*  Makaja: Ich habe gelesen, dass es in einem buddhistischen Kloster oder sogar in der ganzen Gegend die Sitte war, dass der Abt einmal monatlich den jungen Priestern erlaubt hat, dass sie zu den Prostituierten gehen. Das ist eine andere Variante des christlichen Zöllibats, eine Untervariante…. 


*  Makaja: Nije stvar u erekciji nego u interesu odn. ljubavi odn. osmišljenosti tog fizičkog čina. Ako to postoji, onda ti erekcija dolazi sama po sebi, ne moraš misliti na nju, ne moraš izvoditi ritual prizivanja. 

*  Kad običan magarac sretne drugog magarca raduje se zadovoljenju svog seksualnog nagona. Kad prosvijetljeni magarac sretne drugog magarca, onda se raduje Božanskoj iskri u njemu. 

*  Hipnotizirana žena ima fiks ideju, da mora biti podložna muškarcu da bi je on volio, da bi zadovoljavao njenu potrebu za nježnošću, ljubavlju, seksom itd. Hipnotiziran muškarac ima mustru, da mora biti jak i opasan, kako bi ga žena slušala. I tako vi živite sranje tih bikova prethodnika i potlaćenih kobila i mislite pritom da živite sebe. 

*  Makaja: „Pokušajmo sada svi zajedno zatvoriti oči samo za par minuta....
(Čuje se kako se ljudi pomiću na svojim stolicama)
Ispada kao da vi imate oči na dupetu. Ja kažem – pokušajte zatvoriti oči, a svi mrdaju dupetom. Al' nema veze, oprostit ću vam to.“


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